Thursday, December 11, 2008


Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
~ Proverbs 12:18

Every once in a while I see something that is convicting to me and I want to share it with others. This video is one of those things.

It speaks to me of so many things: the power our words have on those around us, how we're most likely to use our words in cruel ways with those we love the most and how easy it is to put a mask on when we walk through the doors of a church or any place where others will be watching.

I'm often challenged by the words I say and how I say them. I may not currently be a wife or a mother but this short video reminds me that the things that I speak do impact those in my life. I have choices every day in the way that I use my ability to speak. Sometimes I use those opportunities for glorifying the Lord but other times I find myself saying things that are certainly not the best use of the mind and mouth God has given me. I am often realizing how cautious I must be in the words that I say and how I must always be asking the Lord to use my words for His purposes to encourage and build up others.

There are many things to say and many things to say them about. May we all be challenged to use our words carefully that we will bless others and bring glory to God!

Just my 2 cents on the topic! :)

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Who I Am (Briefly)

In some ways I'm just your average girl making my way through the world. Along the way I've seen love and heartbreak, good times and bad, and found that through it all, my relationship with the Lord is what carries me through. I don't claim to be all that wise but I hope that through my writings, you'll see more of who God is and draw near to Him. So that's me, a little light shining in the darkness, pointing to the One who makes all the difference.

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