Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wide Open

Open up before God, keep nothing back; he'll do whatever needs to be done:
He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon. Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him.
~ Psalm 37:5-7

There are moments when I'm tempted to hide from God. Moments when I don't really want to be honest about what I'm truly feeling or thinking or hoping for. These are usually moments when I know that my faith if faltering or my desires might not be lining up with Gods or I'm just wanting to rebel.

The thing is that this is such a silly attitude to have because no matter how I feel, I'm still always going to be trying to hide in vain. There's nowhere to escape from His presence and knowledge and reality.

Here's what I love though: when I am honest with God and truly bring the gross stuff out into His presence then He goes to work on it and changes it from darkness to light. He makes the changes that need to be made and then He stands back and smiles in approval as I become more like His Son! How amazing is that?

I like to try to hide but God loves me to let Him know what's really going on. He loves me so much that He wants to help me clean out the closets and vacuum up the spider webs in my heart. Then He shows off what He's done in the daylight, for everyone to see - not that they would see me but that they would see Him! Unreal!!!

Then there's the command at the end: quiet down before Him and be prayerful. Isn't this where it all starts anyways? How can we be honest if we won't first talk and how can He do work if we won't first listen? God loves to refine us. He just wants us to run to Him, throw open our lives to His purposes and plans, and then give Him the glory for all that He can do. I don't think it gets much better than that!

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Who I Am (Briefly)

In some ways I'm just your average girl making my way through the world. Along the way I've seen love and heartbreak, good times and bad, and found that through it all, my relationship with the Lord is what carries me through. I don't claim to be all that wise but I hope that through my writings, you'll see more of who God is and draw near to Him. So that's me, a little light shining in the darkness, pointing to the One who makes all the difference.

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