Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Fall!

And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so.
~ Genesis 1:14-15

Today officially marks the first day of Autumn 2008. Since I was a small child I have been completely enamored with this season. Perhaps it's because it means that school starts (which meant new supplies) or because the leaves change (or did in Colorado) or that cooler weather is on the way or that it's going to be my birthday and then the holidays. I'm not sure what drove my fascination with this particular time of year but it's always been my favorite.

This year is no exception. I spent lunch at a nearby park reading and writing and I can guarantee that Brady will be taken on a walk every night this week (just like the last week as the weather began to play below the 90's). This year though I am even more excited to embrace this new season. It's not so much a saying goodbye to where I've been but the knowing that a new season will always bring new opportunities.

Looking back over the year, I can't say that this has been my best year but I can say that I have grown in my relationship with Christ in amazing ways and that colors even the painful times with gratitude. I've learned that I can't plan beyond my next five minutes but I also know that God is putting some amazing dreams in my heart for the years to come. My reliance on Him and my desire to know His word is growing each day and I'm hopeful that He'll change some of the rougher corners of my personality in the times to come. I guess maybe this year fall is just a time for thinking about where I've been and where I'm going and remembering that no matter what is to come, God created seasons because sometimes a bit of change is good!

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Who I Am (Briefly)

In some ways I'm just your average girl making my way through the world. Along the way I've seen love and heartbreak, good times and bad, and found that through it all, my relationship with the Lord is what carries me through. I don't claim to be all that wise but I hope that through my writings, you'll see more of who God is and draw near to Him. So that's me, a little light shining in the darkness, pointing to the One who makes all the difference.

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