Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Breaking Through

The heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.
~ Psalm 89:5

Normally when I fly on an airplane I tend to go into what I fondly call the 'Jen Zone' where I plug in my music and just listen to the tunes and think about the words. It's one of the most peaceful times in my life as I don't have anywhere else to be and there's very little else to do. However, I also really enjoy watching the landscape as we travel and when I flew today I was reminded of one of the things I love to see more than just about any other. It always happens when you take off on a cloudy day and you begin to climb and as the day is gray all around you the plane suddenly breaks through the clouds and there is a panorama unparalleled on this planet! The clouds are always amazing and beautiful but the thing that takes my breath away every time is the brightness that exists just above the clouds!

That moment of breaking through never fails to make me think of the Lord because that is just how life is. No matter how gray or stormy things may get, God is always there; still shining, still interceding, still being over and above and through all. We may not see him when the storms set in but He's always there - just beyond the gray!

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Who I Am (Briefly)

In some ways I'm just your average girl making my way through the world. Along the way I've seen love and heartbreak, good times and bad, and found that through it all, my relationship with the Lord is what carries me through. I don't claim to be all that wise but I hope that through my writings, you'll see more of who God is and draw near to Him. So that's me, a little light shining in the darkness, pointing to the One who makes all the difference.

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