Friday, July 20, 2007

Anybody have a map?

This week I could really use some help from somebody who knows what I should be doing with my life better than I do!

I'm trying to figure out what the best step is for me to take with my career and the distinct possibilities are very opposite and very time sensitive. There's a position with my current company that I have been encouraged to try for or I can start making plans to return to school in some capacity in order to completely switch job fields in the future.

There are pros and cons in both directions but I honestly don't feel strongly in one way or another and that makes the whole process one of second-guessing my thoughts and making list after list to try and determine the best move to make. Oh yes, and much prayer too! :)

Now, there are those who would just say that I like to worry so I'm making this a bigger deal than it should be. I'll agree that I'm not new to the worrying game but I'm also not sure that what I'm doing here is worrying. Maybe it qualifies and I'm just trying to think my way into validation. Definitely a possibility!

So I guess I'm just struggling and instead of not writing anything I thought I'd let you in on the struggle. An old friend of mine challenges me with his writing to let people see the journey, both the mountains and the valleys, and I want to do that here.

For now, I'll continue weighing the options and hoping for a big neon sign from heaven pointing in the best direction. Change is never fun but I look forward to where the path leads next - unknowns and all.

1 comment:

coneandmo said...

This is your journey friend! Thanks for sharing and I'll be praying. Let me know what comes of this. :)

Who I Am (Briefly)

In some ways I'm just your average girl making my way through the world. Along the way I've seen love and heartbreak, good times and bad, and found that through it all, my relationship with the Lord is what carries me through. I don't claim to be all that wise but I hope that through my writings, you'll see more of who God is and draw near to Him. So that's me, a little light shining in the darkness, pointing to the One who makes all the difference.

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